Thursday, March 10, 2011



Friday, March 4, 2011

March 4th - A rough start

Half a grand (cheapest rate in town) and one less nipple piercing later, my MRI was finally done.
Now to go find a good orthopod.

Anyways, the tears are done. There is no point getting all worked up over small shizz because really, it could have been worse. Gotta celebrate what I have and what I can do and recognize with honesty what I should not do.

I tried to prepare for paleo...
- x 1 banana
- x 1 cup of mixed nuts

- x 1 medium bowl of house soup (yeah, likely not salt free because I ate out... but this is a good idea to make at home! sans salt)

Costco run...

- x 1 breaded chicken (convenient)
- x 1 bowl of quinoa chicken mushroom mix

I work shifts and preparing meals in between shifts is tough so I pre-made a crap load of chicken and the above quinoa preparation.

I really made tons of chicken... watch it be gobbled mysteriously by other family members throughout the night. Hmmmm

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I'm close to quitting.

I'm a head full of angry unleashed tears and grinding teeth. Have you ever felt the odd crunch of a knee giving out on you? It's been a month. I'm upset. No MRI, no orthopod, no formal direction.

I guess it's time to shell out the big bucks and pay for this MRI on my own. I'm terrified. The prospect of surgery, the osteoarthritis, pain and IMMOBILITY . I'm no hardcore athlete by any means but I am a girl who finds solace in life with activity.

I wish I could turn back time and never touched those gym rings.

Instead, I want to decorate my walls with holes.

March 3rd - I hate you life


2 Litres of delicious cold chocolate milk.

+ chips and omlette with leftover ham and chorizo

Because 2 hours later, these egg things don't do shit for my stomach, I made pasta... and LOADS of it. So sexy.


Observe. Liberte brand coconut DESSERT yogurt. 58% fat, yo!

I'm finally home back to chinese dinners and eating almost paleo. Except for the bowl of white rice, ginger ale and grease infused bbq pork. I guess the fish balls and peppers as well as cabbage dish were okay.

March 2nd - Screw you paleo edition 2

Day 2, I wake up to this. Snowed in.

You know what, I'm in the middle of nowhere... I'm allowed to use up my groupons to buy fancy ass meat to make something delicious in the morning as this chorizo egg scramble madness plus cups of chocolate milk AND toasted bread.

That's right folks, that wasn't enough for this lone stomach so I decided to stuff my face more with 2 sandwiches. REAL BREAD.

Then bring on the pints of guinness! Thank goodness! Of all beers, it's probably the healthiest. So creamy.

Beer does not do justice without a slice of pizza

Dinner was comprised of a shit load of hummus and chips (because pita is out of style) as well as delicious guava nectar... Juice is SO overrated.

SCREW YOU PALEO!!! - March 1st

Yeah, you see that?? That's the image of a McDonald's BIG MAC MEAL (soft drink just out of frame). I am also out of town and going on an anti-everything rampage.

Screw you, paleo diet.

I tried. I went to a 3 hour seminar during the daytime with nothing in my tummy and downed down a big ass black coffee and over-priced cheese and fruit dealy from starbucks. HENCE the McDonalds...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ground Rules

A bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a pig.
Should've been called, bacon-ception

Anyways, here are some established ground rules on my end for the paleo challenge.
- Saturdays will be my cheat days (within reason of course... baconception can only go so far)
- Plain tea/coffee is acceptable (I do shift work afterall)
- Quinoa is acceptable... because it IS a seed. It has a lower glycemic index than rice and is a complete protein. Leaving it out from a healthy diet = silly.

The return to paleo!

Well, sorta... the best that I can. The last challenge was a failure.

So, update! I'm out with a knee injury and it's going to be hard participating in this challenge as I'm limited with the movements that I can do. I won't be able to win because of it but hey, I'll give it a shot anyway.... a TWO MONTH shot.

Here's a sneak peak at my last meal. Mind you 2 hours before this I downed a WHOLE chicken parmigiano with pasta and cheese. Amaze-balls.

For dinner I went to Joey in downtown for some eats with some gals. I think this would be a good place to eat post-sun run to partay a bit hey?

x1 sugary bellini!

x1 calamari

x1 chinese lettuce wrap

And the star of the night:
This delicious lobster grilled cheese sandwich with skinny fries! The perfect comfort food!

Update again: I'm blogging this just after midnight with chocolate stains all over my shirt from a chocolate ice cream thing I just ate in bed... that's right folks, IN BED!

It's almost pornographic. Check out that 3 layer action going on... mmmmhmmmmm!