Friday, March 4, 2011

March 4th - A rough start

Half a grand (cheapest rate in town) and one less nipple piercing later, my MRI was finally done.
Now to go find a good orthopod.

Anyways, the tears are done. There is no point getting all worked up over small shizz because really, it could have been worse. Gotta celebrate what I have and what I can do and recognize with honesty what I should not do.

I tried to prepare for paleo...
- x 1 banana
- x 1 cup of mixed nuts

- x 1 medium bowl of house soup (yeah, likely not salt free because I ate out... but this is a good idea to make at home! sans salt)

Costco run...

- x 1 breaded chicken (convenient)
- x 1 bowl of quinoa chicken mushroom mix

I work shifts and preparing meals in between shifts is tough so I pre-made a crap load of chicken and the above quinoa preparation.

I really made tons of chicken... watch it be gobbled mysteriously by other family members throughout the night. Hmmmm

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