Saturday, November 27, 2010

November 23rd-25th

Okay, paleo is just ridiculous when there's no preparation at home. I think I am going to downgrade to 50-70% paleo during my meals because this is silly. Night shifts make it impossible and lack of preparation leaves me to temptation ++.

Observe, my breakfast/lunch/dinner prior to the start of my night shift:
- x 1 small bit of brown rice (I KNOW IT'S NOT PALEO... NO CHOICE)
- x 1 small pan seared mahi mahi fish with bourbon and black pepper

Okay, so night shift rolls in and I start it with x 1 tall cup of black coffee.

The following was taken at like 3:30 am ... one of my co-workers had brought in balut eggs as per my request (balut in Filipino is a nearly-developed chicken embryo). Never had this before... apparently it's believed to have aphrodisiac effects... (like I need any more of that)


Oh hells yeah... if this isn't paleo, I don't know what is... you can still see the feathers and definitely taste the bone!! It tastes like chicken!

So morning rolls around and our shift has ended. One of the long-standing students with us wanted to go out for breakfast as her farewell... because breakfast (aka my dinner) was at Denny's how can I say no to eggs benedict with HASHBROWNS.

That's right, paleo... you have won.


As an addendum to the above posts, I did eat like hella more than what's posted above... night shifts just result in me losing track of what I've eaten. I warmed up tons of left over quinoa, baby bok choy with enoki mushrooms and tumeric chicken breast.

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