Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 22nd, DAY 22

Sooooo, I finally broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years... yikes, long time. I need time for myself for the next few days. Paleo will be out the window until this weekend.

After doing the WOD, I wandered off to Vancouver for some random but delicious food!

Letsee, for lunch I had the following:
- Bread with olive oil and vinegar to dip

- Bocconcini salad with BUFFALO CHEEEEEESE - ohmygawd, delicious!! I need to find this vinegar glaze to use for my own cooking because it is so thick, sweet and marvelous!

- Minestrone soup with tons of beans!
- x1 chocolate cookie!

Later on I wandered over to Commercial Drive and treated myself to a Malt drink and a cream horn from an Italian bakery


Moving on! Dinner time was dinner out at Viva City for the Mid-Autumn Festival! Mooncakes and lanterns!

To start off, I brought a bottle of Barolo wine - highly recommended if you like dry red wine!

And like every traditional Cantonese meal, we had traditional soup to start... today's special was fish soup with roots and pork meat

The next cold appetizer was spicy BBQ pork, cucumbers and those fried little numbers were DEEP FRIED MILK balls! You have to dip it in sugar and mmmmmm, yummy!

Next on the menu was deep fried chicken (chinese style) with dragon puff chips

- PEKING DUCK on the menu! So for those of you unfamiliar with this dish, it's basically duck cooked in two servings...

For the first, it's duck skin wrapped in flour wraps served with the below chive and special sauce

(duck skin)

(flour wrap)

The result of it all together!

Sweet and sour filet mignon with onions, Chinese style

So what happens to the rest of the peking duck... well it gets converted to this little kick ass number... peking duck wrapped in lettuce!


This dish was steamed soy sauce tilapia! Notice how the fish is being cut up? In Chinese culture, we never flip the fish... it's bad luck (almost like flipping a boat over)

The veggie dish was beancurd with sauteed pea tips! (my favourite chinese veggie)

Dessert = coconut cookies and in the middle, those were "smiling" sesame cookies

Aaaaand traditional red bean soup

Dear paleo... see how delicious real food is? I enjoyed this meal. HAHAHA

September 21st, DAY 21

Okay, that night shift is over. Time for a nap!!
Breakfast pre-WOD:
- x1 smoothie - strawberries, bananas, orange juice
- x1 hard boiled egg
- x1/4 slice of avocado

Did the morning WOD. Couldn't do V-Sit ups for the life of me because I look like a dying animal.
Post WOD:
- x a zillion vegetable straw chips (daamn you costco!!)
- x 2 cups almond milk
- x 2 handfuls of raw almonds
- x half a jar of chocolate covered almonds (costco again)

In preparation for the next little while, I thought I'd make some sort of curry soup.
- x2 yellow onions
- x6 celery
- x1 zucchini
Cooked those down in olive and canola oil with oregano, granulated garlic and black pepper and added
- x 3 roma tomatoes
- x1 can of coconut milk
- curry powder
- x1 head of broccoli
- x1 can of chicken (rinsed out in water beforehand)

Woke up at 20:30 and ate x 2 huge bowls of my curry soup

Followed by globe grapes

- x1 can of pike eel

Screw you, paleo... I'm eating dessert!!
- x1 triple chocolate mousse cake :D

September 20th, DAY 20

SWITCH OVER!! From Days to night!
Woke up early this morning after a hectic night of barely eating anything... my WOD performance was really weak because of the lack of substantial food in my tummy.

Breakfast post WOD:
- x 1 banana
- x 1 bunch of steamed broccoli
- x 1 dobble of yummy delicious fantastic beef stew
- x 1 dabble of mashed potatoes (sorry paleo... I think I deserve it)
- x 1 spoonful of lemon flavoured omega-3 fish oil
- x 1 herbal energy drink

I sorta slept.. not really for the rest of the day. So in preparation for tonight's night shift, I made myself a huge dinner which was comprised of:

- x1 huge steamed fennel bulb with olive oil and lemon juice and pepper
- x1 huge broccoli bulb (with the above stuff)
- x1 banana

- x1 can of smoked oysters... so oily and delicious!

So off to work I go with a cup of black coffee (thinking I'd be fine!)

Ohhhhh shiiiii..... I'm hungry. I didn't pack anything for the night shift other than a little bit of almonds. My co-workers brought in SUN CHIPS... SUuuuuuuuuuuuun CHIPS and chili and lime flavoured cheeeeeetos! I partook in the madness.


By 4 am I was still ravenous. Desperate, I started looking through old patient trays and stumbled upon this sad little number below... "squash soup"... so... sad.... :(

September 19th, DAY 19

Okay, another day shift which means CRAP. I didn't prepare any food whatsoever the night before = potential day for starvation.

So for breakfast:
- x1 banana
- x1 cup almond milk
- x1 black coffee
- x2 slices of dijon turkey (cheating I know)

- x1 can of tuna
- x1 kiwi (I had to throw out the other two because they were rotten)
- x1 HUGE CANTALOUPE (it was hella over-ripe and sorta moulding on the side but I ate it anyway because there was no food otherwise)... I unfortunately stunk up the nursing station with the smell of too ripe cantaloupe, lol
- x1 small handful of nuts

By the late afternoon I was still feeling ravenous so I ended up going through old patient lunch trays and ate x1 sad navy bean soup.... it wasn't too salty but was hospital food nonetheless :(

By the time I got home, I had a bunch of personal issues come up. I think I ended up drinking more almond milk and snacking on veggie chips (I'm starting to slip on paleo)

September 18th, DAY 18

Day shift which means:
- x1 black coffee
- yesterday's zucchini, tomato and crushed up turkey patty for lunch
- x 3 bananas
- x 3 baby cucumbers
- x 2 cups raw almonds
- x 3 cups almond milk
- x 1/2 chocolate bar

There's probably more but I'm back posting so I've forgotten much.

Friday, September 17, 2010

September 17th, DAY 17

- x 1 yerba mate tea
- x 2 small prunes
- x 1 banana

- x 1 banana
- leftover bok choy from yesterday
- x 4 leftover steamed turkey patties from yesterday

.... and this is where it gets messed up. I've run out of food to munch on for the rest of the day... I ended up eating a small serving of bean soup from one of my chucked out patient trays (I know, sad)... :(

By the end of my shift, I was growing increasingly hungry and just when I was about to leave guess what decides to hit the fan.... CODE ORANGE (aka MASS freaking CASUALTIES).... aka Jane can't go home and has to stay behind to help out.

I seriously didn't get home until 22:00 and by then I was feeling ravenous! I quickly made:

- x1 mushroom and egg white scramble
- x 1 cup of almond milk
- x 1 cup of acai berry juice (I know, sorta cheating because it contains cane juice for flavouring)
- x 1 handful of roasted almonds
- x 1 small handful of chocolate covered almonds (guiiiiilty)
- x 2 turkey patties (baked)
- The leftover raw zucchini shreds were destined to be my substitute pasta but I had no time to make any sauce so I cooked it down to be for tomorrow's lunch.

- The finished product below for tomorrow's consumption... basically cooked down baby grape tomatioes and x 4 turkey patties

Knowing me, I felt that deserved at least one small dessert. I opened up the freezer and this is what I fooooooound!

- Haagen daas, mousse shooters and mini mousse cakes!

I couldn't help it and ate x1 mini mousse cake. Ohhhhh lordy!

It's wrong to eat so late but I can' really do much. G'nite!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 16th, DAY 16

- x2 bananas
- x1 glass of almond milk
- x1 pear
- x1 chicken piece (the rest of that left over chicken was turned into a fabulous chicken and cheese omelette with bits of salami... unfortunately it was ultimately not for my consumption ... I took a few bites anyway!)
- x1 handful of roasted almonds
- x2 handfuls of banana chips

I did the 5 km run WOD today... boy, was it refreshing! I gotta kick up the notch for next time though. Running long distances just ain't my thing.

When I got home I just boiled a bunch of bok choy (and x2 zucchini hearts) and ate half of the below batch. The rest will be destined for tomorrow's lunch.

I also cooked up x6 turkey burgers by STEAMING. So chinese... I really miss steamed pork and salted fish on rice... so this'll have to do. The blurry picture's from all the steam. I only ate 2 patties... the rest will be for tomorrow's consumption.

Following the above epic dinner-ness, I drank x2 glasses of almond milk and 4 small chunks of dark chocolate.

EDIT: Oh gawd, I've cheated on paleo by eating leftover bbq pork and chicken in the fridge of the Chinese variety... crispy skin, salty meat.... *salivates*

September 15th, DAY 15

This morning's breakfast was yummy! It was made up of scramble that had tuna, peppers, onions, cauliflower and broccoli! On the side, I had half an avocado!

I didn't eat much else throughout the rest of the day other than a nice big cup of yerba mate tea! I guess the result was weakness during the Fran WOD. Ohhhh well!

So immediately afterwards, I put a bunch of pre-marinated chicken (from days before) into the oven for a good bake.

The result was yummy! I ate:
- x5 chicken pieces
- x1 banana
- x1 peach
- x1 can of diet lime pepsi (I know, not allowed... hahaha)

The rest of the chicken was packaged up to be used for tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 14th, DAY 14

I got off from a night shift at 8 am this morning and headed straight for the box to nap until the 09:30 class. To this point, I've only had 2 hours of sporadic sleep for the past 36 hours.

Today's WOD was a good work out even though I wasn't able to make the 20 minute cut off time with the prescribed women's dead lift weight of 165 pounds. Ah well, it got me sweaty!

Anyways, I came home and made myself a huge meal comprised of the following:

- A super huge mushroom and chicken omelette made with egg whites

- A giant salad: butter lettuce, cherry tomatoes, baby cucumber, sunflower seeds and a sprinkle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar (a smidgeon... although the diet asks to stay away from such acidic drizzles)

Here's a bit of size perspective of just how much I usually eat in a sitting... omlettes bigger than your face! No problem!

A big glass of unsweetened almond milk in a fancy glass (it tastes better I swear)

That pretty much concludes my huge lunch before a long hibernation to recuperate on sleep. In the process of making my lunch today, I did a bit of multi-tasking and made some extra food to warm up for later.

Chicken meat baked in a marinade of oregano, thyme, lavender, fennel seeds, basil, black pepper, garlic powder, lemon juice and olive oil. I was too full after lunch to eat more...

I also toasted a whole bunch of plain almonds in the oven so it becomes more tasty! These'll be used as a great snack later on.


On a total side note, does anyone know where to get almond meal/ almond flour? I'd like to try my hand at some paleo baking... just hard to come by with such expensive weird ingredients (ie. nuts). I only have a hand blender... no food processor or crazy magic bullet (since I broke mine).

I'm also missing WODs... I remember doing them almost 5 x a week but my work schedule just doesn't allow it... :( Ah well!


I woke up about an hour ago feeling hungry AGAIN so I warmed up:
- x 3 chunks of that chicken I made earlier
- x 1 handful of roasted almonds nuts
- x 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
- x 1 kiwi
- x 1 peach
- x 1 banana "ice cream" with 2 small squares of dark chocolate ( not in the picture below)

The "ice cream" is pretty easy to make. The consistency's pretty close to the real thing! It's basically 2 frozen bananas blended up. Make sure you choose really really browned bananas (I buy mine near rotten in the discount aisle of an asian market)... peel them and then freeze them whole. Blend up with a good blender/food processor (I had to add a splash of almond milk to help break it down since I've only got a hand blender).

The result makes for a nice and nutritious treat! Woooo!

September 13th, DAY 13

My breakfast coming out of a night shift was a bit of a treat...

- x2 whole wheat pancakes (shhhhhhh... it's a TREAT) with a bit of maple syrup
- x1 egg scramble with tomatoes, spinach, pepper, corn (shhhh) and misc. spices

Dinner was a bit of a rush and sorta spread out throughout my night shift
- x6 turkey burgers
- x6 clementines
- x1 guava
- x1 large black coffee
- x1 pear
- x1 baby cucumber

My co-workers brought freshly baked blueberry bread from Cobb's and I couldn't help but partake in a super small slice

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 12th, DAY 12

Okay, I should be sleeping... buuuut I thought that since there wasn't much for paleo friendly food at home I went to Costco and misc. Asian groceries to buy a boatload of food to pre-make and have around to munch on.

This was the result... for 1 person.

My replenished fruit store!
Guavas, clementines, peaches, kiwis, bananas, apples, the BIG GMO pear, cantaloupe, grapefruit... mmmmm. My teeth are already hurting.

So onwards ho to making my ground turkey burgers!!

Pre-mixture! I don't think this picture captures how heavy that bowl was... at least 2.5 kg of stuff!

Mind as well throw in a couple of overhead squats

Mixture result! Composed of: extra lean turkey, 6 eggs, yellow onion, mushrooms parsley, lemon juice, olive oil, pepper, thyme, basil, fennel, lavender

The result! Pre-packaged and ready to eat on the go if needed!

So for lunch today I had:
- x 4 turkey patties (they're small-ish) and uber flavourful... I think my real burgers with all the good stuff taste better
- Handful of roasted sunflower seeds (not as tasty as almonds)
- x 4 cups of chocolate almond milk (I know... but I was desperate!)
- x 1 guava
- x 2-3 clementines
- x 1/2 peach

Edit: Still on-going as per night shift as we speak...

- x 8 clementines
- x 1 black coffee
- x 1 guava
- x 2 baby cucumbers
- x 1 super delicious amazingly juicy okanagan peach