Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 10th, DAY 10

Straight forward work day! I still haven't even attempted that monster of a pear...

- x1 black coffee
- x1 big banana

- x1 large serving of yesterday's tomato-broccoli-chicken thing
- x1 big banana

- A huge huge huge serving of boiled broccoli and bak choy smothered in olive oil, lemon juice and black pepper
- x 1 large smoothie made of: 2 grapefruits, 1 banana, 1 orange, frozen blueberries... all hand blender-ed

Here were the ingredients... the smoothie and veggies I sorta partitioned so I'm eating half tonight and the other half tomorrow for lunch.

Old glass jars from tomato sauce and stuff are great for the go! I store my smoothies/meals in there for on the go pre-packaged stuff!

It's 01:17 am right now and I'm still hungry... must resist the urge to eat. Gotta be up in less than 5 hours.

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