Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 19th, DAY 19

Okay, another day shift which means CRAP. I didn't prepare any food whatsoever the night before = potential day for starvation.

So for breakfast:
- x1 banana
- x1 cup almond milk
- x1 black coffee
- x2 slices of dijon turkey (cheating I know)

- x1 can of tuna
- x1 kiwi (I had to throw out the other two because they were rotten)
- x1 HUGE CANTALOUPE (it was hella over-ripe and sorta moulding on the side but I ate it anyway because there was no food otherwise)... I unfortunately stunk up the nursing station with the smell of too ripe cantaloupe, lol
- x1 small handful of nuts

By the late afternoon I was still feeling ravenous so I ended up going through old patient lunch trays and ate x1 sad navy bean soup.... it wasn't too salty but was hospital food nonetheless :(

By the time I got home, I had a bunch of personal issues come up. I think I ended up drinking more almond milk and snacking on veggie chips (I'm starting to slip on paleo)

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