Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 14th, DAY 14

I got off from a night shift at 8 am this morning and headed straight for the box to nap until the 09:30 class. To this point, I've only had 2 hours of sporadic sleep for the past 36 hours.

Today's WOD was a good work out even though I wasn't able to make the 20 minute cut off time with the prescribed women's dead lift weight of 165 pounds. Ah well, it got me sweaty!

Anyways, I came home and made myself a huge meal comprised of the following:

- A super huge mushroom and chicken omelette made with egg whites

- A giant salad: butter lettuce, cherry tomatoes, baby cucumber, sunflower seeds and a sprinkle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar (a smidgeon... although the diet asks to stay away from such acidic drizzles)

Here's a bit of size perspective of just how much I usually eat in a sitting... omlettes bigger than your face! No problem!

A big glass of unsweetened almond milk in a fancy glass (it tastes better I swear)

That pretty much concludes my huge lunch before a long hibernation to recuperate on sleep. In the process of making my lunch today, I did a bit of multi-tasking and made some extra food to warm up for later.

Chicken meat baked in a marinade of oregano, thyme, lavender, fennel seeds, basil, black pepper, garlic powder, lemon juice and olive oil. I was too full after lunch to eat more...

I also toasted a whole bunch of plain almonds in the oven so it becomes more tasty! These'll be used as a great snack later on.


On a total side note, does anyone know where to get almond meal/ almond flour? I'd like to try my hand at some paleo baking... just hard to come by with such expensive weird ingredients (ie. nuts). I only have a hand blender... no food processor or crazy magic bullet (since I broke mine).

I'm also missing WODs... I remember doing them almost 5 x a week but my work schedule just doesn't allow it... :( Ah well!


I woke up about an hour ago feeling hungry AGAIN so I warmed up:
- x 3 chunks of that chicken I made earlier
- x 1 handful of roasted almonds nuts
- x 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
- x 1 kiwi
- x 1 peach
- x 1 banana "ice cream" with 2 small squares of dark chocolate ( not in the picture below)

The "ice cream" is pretty easy to make. The consistency's pretty close to the real thing! It's basically 2 frozen bananas blended up. Make sure you choose really really browned bananas (I buy mine near rotten in the discount aisle of an asian market)... peel them and then freeze them whole. Blend up with a good blender/food processor (I had to add a splash of almond milk to help break it down since I've only got a hand blender).

The result makes for a nice and nutritious treat! Woooo!

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