Friday, September 17, 2010

September 17th, DAY 17

- x 1 yerba mate tea
- x 2 small prunes
- x 1 banana

- x 1 banana
- leftover bok choy from yesterday
- x 4 leftover steamed turkey patties from yesterday

.... and this is where it gets messed up. I've run out of food to munch on for the rest of the day... I ended up eating a small serving of bean soup from one of my chucked out patient trays (I know, sad)... :(

By the end of my shift, I was growing increasingly hungry and just when I was about to leave guess what decides to hit the fan.... CODE ORANGE (aka MASS freaking CASUALTIES).... aka Jane can't go home and has to stay behind to help out.

I seriously didn't get home until 22:00 and by then I was feeling ravenous! I quickly made:

- x1 mushroom and egg white scramble
- x 1 cup of almond milk
- x 1 cup of acai berry juice (I know, sorta cheating because it contains cane juice for flavouring)
- x 1 handful of roasted almonds
- x 1 small handful of chocolate covered almonds (guiiiiilty)
- x 2 turkey patties (baked)
- The leftover raw zucchini shreds were destined to be my substitute pasta but I had no time to make any sauce so I cooked it down to be for tomorrow's lunch.

- The finished product below for tomorrow's consumption... basically cooked down baby grape tomatioes and x 4 turkey patties

Knowing me, I felt that deserved at least one small dessert. I opened up the freezer and this is what I fooooooound!

- Haagen daas, mousse shooters and mini mousse cakes!

I couldn't help it and ate x1 mini mousse cake. Ohhhhh lordy!

It's wrong to eat so late but I can' really do much. G'nite!

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